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Why a Childless Senior/Couple Should Have a Trust.

I’ll get right to the point.  There are two reasons to have a trust: 1) You; 2) your Stuff.

Question: What is more important to you, You or your Stuff?

I think you can see why I find it very curious that all articles on trusts for retirees deal with their stuff.  What about You?

Sure, dealing with your Stuff is important, I don’t deny that. You want to be sure that when you die only those people or causes you care about get your gifts.  I can repeat those many reasons in another post if you wish – drop me an email to Jim @ – but I think a quick search will come up with many.

Let’s get to the Main point: What about You?

My experience in Elder Law taught me that very, very few seniors have a great, action filled life then drop dead on the tennis court, golf course, or exotic vacation etc.  For most it is years of slow decline with increasing need for help from others.  And that is the reason a childless senior/couple need a trust.

If you have no children who will take care of you when you cannot manage your daily affairs?  If you have no trust to provide instructions, then you might have the experience of the childless John, of whom I wrote in a prior blog. When he needed daily help he was removed from his home by the Probate Court appointed guardian/conservator. He was put in a locked assisted living facility. He had no say about where he could live or how his savings of over a million dollars was spent.   He had no say.

If John had a trust, his trustee would have arranged for him to live in his own home with whatever help he needed according to the terms in his trust.

So if you are a childless senior/couple and you have significant savings talk to a certified elder law attorney about how “your trust” can take care of You.  Mind you there are some attorneys who claim to be proficient in elder law and are not. If you need a referral to a good elder law attorney drop me a line to Jim @  I’ll get you to the right place.

Medicare Advantage: High out of Pocket Costs, Deductibles and Emergency Visits – Look Out!

Many healthy seniors choose a Medicare Advantage plan with high out of pocket costs and high deductibles. This is quite understandable for someone who does not have a chronic medical condition and has “not seen a doctor in years.” But, they may get hit hard if they visit the hospital emergency department with a routine emergency.

NPR – National Public Radio- has collected many stories of shockingly high medical bills in their “Bill Of The Month” series. Some involve major surgeries, but even a simple trip to the Emergency Room of a hospital can cut deep into a couple’s retirement savings. Here’s an example from Tennessee.

Station WPLN reported that Jason Dean cut his knee while working in his home business. He went to emergency and received a tetanus shot and six stitches. His bill was $6,000! His wife later needed emergency care and went to a different hospital and was charged only $600.

What’s going on? Hospitals are finding ways to make the Emergency Room a profit center. Some have a flat emergency room fee that is in the thousands of dollars. But other shocking charges are hidden in the medical billing, such as the use of “upcoding.”

In The Bill Of The Month series a journalist went in depth in a matter where a routine childbirth ended up being coded a level 5 emergency, generating the highest charges. Caitlin Wells Salerno’s first childbirth cost $30. Four years later, with the same health insurance, her second childbirth cost her $3,609.09. There was a $2,755 charge for “Level 5” emergency services. But, this was a routine childbirth. She tried fighting it but eventually paid the bill. Medicare beneficiaries have an additional option: Medicare fraud.

What if you receive a shocking bill? You would be well served to review every detail of your bill and demand explanations. The Wells Salerno report includes a link to the five billing codes of emergency so your Emergency Room visit was correctly billed.

If you suspect Medicare Fraud call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227).

The NPR Bill Of The Month series can be found at

Long Term Care Plans

I’ve updated our website to add information on addressing the need of long term care for a family member.  I think you will find the information very helpful whether you are first addressing the need for long term care for a spouse or parent, or whether you have been dealing with the problem for years and change is needed.

From what I have seen both professionally and personally, the aging process comes as a surprise to most of us.  Sure, we KNOW about aging, right?  We have had grandparents and they got older and some died too.   But, the surprise is that while we know people age, until it strikes us at our late age we think that it’s all just “numbers on the calendar.”  As we age, we find out that against our will our bodies will not do what we demand. It is in this awareness of the realities of aging that long term care becomes a fact.  Very few people in their 80’s can do what they did just after retirement. Aging happens that fast.

Our minds may be “forever young” but our bodies have a mind of their own!

This surprise of aging is what makes it so hard for children to accept the fact that parents need their help on a weekly if not daily basis and will continue to need that help for the rest of their lives.  And, this surprise is what makes it hard for people to confront the need to deal with long term care early on.

I hope our Long Term Care Section will make it easier and possible for families to successfully deal with the complete needs of the family member who needs the care.

Our first section is on The Seven Common Mistakes

How Much Should an Attorney Charge for a Medicaid Application?

Before we get into the nitty gritty of an answer, let’s consider the situation. A family member is in a nursing home for long term care. The monthly bill is over $8,400 per month (per the Michigan state average). The resident and family justifiably fear loss of all savings and the family home too. Given this reality it is easy to see how a client in this vulnerable situation could be taken advantage of.

First let’s make clear that there are some clients who do not need an attorney’s assist. A typical example may be of an elderly lady who lives in a low income apartment. She may have only $20,000 in savings and does not own a house or car. For her prepaying funeral arrangements, paying off bills and purchasing some other necessities may establish eligibility. Her application should be very simple. However even in such a case her children, who would be filing the application may hire an attorney and use some of her money so that they will not have to miss work to handle the application. The attorney’s fee should be modest in that case.

So who does and who should hire an attorney? It is the client who has significant savings in various institutions, a home and other “assets.” This person has much to lose. And, the need is doubly true if the client has a spouse. Clients do not hire an attorney to fill out a four to six page application. There is much more to do and much more to the value of the attorney’s work.  Here are some considerations:

First: Here’s a surprise that many families run into: they cannot complete the Medicaid application process without the expense and delay of going to the probate court. Let’s say the resident is a husband who has an IRA and a truck in his name alone. The wife or children cannot access the IRA or sell the truck. They are often directed to the probate court to be appointed his guardian so they can get the cash out the assets for Medicaid “spend down.”

How can the attorney help? He can often avoid the cost and delay of probate court entirely by having the resident knowingly sign a power of attorney.

Second: The attorney should help the family save money during “spend down” before the application is submitted. Spend down means that the applicant has only $2,000 at the time of application. If an average suburban married couple follows the advice of most nursing homes they may spend over $100,000 at the nursing home before applying for Medicaid. The attorney should be able to help an average couple to save that $100,000.

Third: A little known fact is that Michigan has “Medicaid estate recovery.” That means the government will take the house for repayment after the applicant and spouse dies. This can be a loss form $100,000 to $300,000 and up. Part of the attorney’s work is to make sure the government does not get the house.

Fourth: The application process involves identifying all assets and getting all the “documentation” to prove the assets value. Here’s a common example: a resident has an annuity or life insurance. A Medicaid application will be rejected without “documentation” of the current cash value of the asset. It can take four weeks to get the needed paperwork. When children help elderly parents, finding or recovering the documentation can be challenging and time consuming. And, yes, Medicaid will and does reject applications for lack of paperwork. That can be an unbelievable expensive. Again, Michigan nursing homes charge, on the average, over $8,400 per month. If a Medicaid worker rejects an application after three months the loss is over $25,000!

Fifth: The attorney must advise the client of the best, most suitable, “asset and income protection” strategy. This can result in a savings of over $100,000 as referenced in the First point, above. In fact we have recently saved many families over $300,000! And, we have gotten the resident’s income for the at-home spouse so she can afford to live in their home.

Sixth: The attorney should get eligibility and submit the application in as soon as possible. Put it this way. If the family could get the application in three months time and the attorney in one month, that savings alone would be almost $17,000! That is using the state average. Some suburban nursing homes are charging over $10,000 per month!

Seventh: The attorney will represent the client(s) before the Medicaid agency. Many Medicaid workers give clients and families wrong information. We see many mistakes that are not to the client’s benefit. For example, the agency will lose an application and tell the client to re-file with the result of loss of months of coverage. Your attorney will not allow that to happen.

And a bonus, Eighth: The attorney should prevent the applicant/resident from being transferred out of a good nursing home, where he got post-hospital rehab, to a poor one that always has beds open because nobody wants to be there. We have prevented many such transfers and our clients stay at the good nursing home.

So, let’s get to the question, how much should an attorney charge? An easy answer is the attorney’s fee should reflect the attorney’s expertise and using that expertise the attorney will save the family much more than they would have paid if they tried to follow nursing home advice and did the application themselves. In addition we must consider that the family needs to spend time with the nursing home resident and not be running around trying to get a Medicaid application through. They should focus time on the resident while the attorney handles the application. These things are the VALUE of the attorney’s service.

So, how much should an attorney charge? Sad to say, there is no one answer. While each client has different issues, there are some very common situations. Let’s say we have an average suburban couple. Mr. Smith has Alzheimer’s and Mrs. Smith, on the brink of physical exhaustion can no longer care for him. They have a home worth $195,000 and $250,000 in savings. What’s not average? A client may have a business with multiple parcels of real estate, leases and business entities. Now that is complicated!

And finally, a yardstick measure: Consider all of the above. If your case is average a rule of thumb is one month’s nursing home bill for devising your best asset and income protection strategy, completing the application and handling it in the Medicaid agency. If the work is much more complicated it may cost twice that. We’ve heard reports of some attorneys charging $25,000 and more. If you get a fee quote that is very high, inquire of the work that the attorney must do to get the application through. And, get a second opinion.

We might note that there are two ways attorneys charge for applications: 1) attorney asks for a retainer and bills hourly against the retainer; 2) a flat fee. Most clients prefer the latter since they know the fixed cost and the fee will be part of “spend down.” The “blank check” of the hourly fee makes most folks feel uncomfortable about the unknown cost. And besides, the last bill comes in after spend down instead of being part of the Medicaid spend down. In our office we only use the flat fee.

Hope this answered your questions. If not, give us a call. All the best,

Grief: What to Say to a Grieving Person

I came across an article on grief, a subject that’s not often written upon. We all know stock phrases to say when we come across a person who is grieving the loss of a spouse or parent: “At least, they’re in a better place;” “How are you doing?” None of these are helpful, yet there are better things to say and do.

The article by Kristen Sturt is “The 5 worst things to say after someone dies—and what to say instead.” It is a quick yet incisive read on what to say to a grieving person. You may find it at

She points out that saying “You’re so strong” is meant to be supportive, yet the message is that you are weak if you show you are suffering. A statement like “At least they went fast,” or “At least you had a good marriage” tells the grieving person that they should just stop hurting and look at the bright side.

Sturt quotes Dr. Peter Lichtenberg, director of the Institute of Gerontology at Wayne State University. Dr. Lichtenberg lost two wives before the age of 55. He reports that grief comes in waves. When a person thinks they are through it, ready to experience hope and happiness it can snap the person right back into the depths of hurt. His advice is to simply show the person you care and that you accept whatever it is they are experiencing or struggling with.

For a more in-depth, personal experience on the subject, Dr. Lichtenberg Wrote” Grief and Healing: Against the Odds.”  You can find it here:

Dr. Lichtenberg shows how showing that you care for a grieving person is by itself, an immense help. That is especially true if the person reacts angrily to you. Don’t respond in kind. Anger can be part of grief. Don’t give up.
